Monday, May 11, 2009

A Little...

...behind on the blog.

Here's the latest:

We took a quick and I mean quick trip to Oklahoma for a surprise party the weekend of April 25th. The party was for our dear friend Spence one of Gerald's old Coast Guard buddies. We have known Susie and Spence for 30 years and they are like family to us. Gerald and Spence were stationed together in Owensboro, KY and Kodiak, AK.

Part of the fun was seeing Susie and Spence's two kids, Kristy and Jake. We hadn't seen them in 20+ years. It was hard to believe the cute little 5 year old girl we last saw was now all grown up and married. Kristy and Josh have been married 5 years and they have two beautiful little boys. Jake was around 2 the last time we saw him and he has turned into a fine young man! He is super sweet and still a cutie patutie!

Another highlight of the party was getting to see our old Coastie friends Bob and Joe. They were also stationed in Owensboro with Gerald. We had the pleasure of seeing Bob this past year but the last time we saw Joe was 30 years ago! It was a joy to catch up with him and meet his wonderful wife Carrie. I am working on a slide show of our trip and will post it as soon as I finish it.

Oklahoma has toll roads. We're not used to toll roads. Spence had told us it would cost approx. $4.50 to take the highway we wanted to head out on. Well it didn't cost us $4.50, it wound up costing us a little over $50.00! Why so much? Because...because...well because we had to stop and feed a few slot machines before crossing the state line. Geez, $50 up in smoke in less than half an hour. We were ahead at one point. Like the saying goes, "should of stopped while we were ahead"! ;o) It was fun.

We had hoped to stop in Fort Worth on the way up or way down to visit familia, but because of the drive time and Gerald needing to get back, we weren't able to swing it. :O(

Last week I had the joy of hosting our monthly Bunco group. It was our end of year party and it was so much fun. We will take the summer off and then start back up in the fall.

My sister JoAnne and I are busy getting ready for Ryan's graduation. We are hosting his celebration party here on the 30th so there is much to do. Mucho family and friends will be attending, we look forward to seeing everyone!

As always, we continue to work on the place on the weekends. Yesterday we finished putting the last of the porch railing on. Gerald planted two more trees and did lots of yard work. Inch by inch we are getting closer to being done.

1 comment:

Kristy @ Fried Kristy said...

We so enjoyed getting to see you and Gerald at Dad's party! Let's not wait 20+ years to see each other again! (Besides, I'll need you to teach my boys how to blow bubbles with bubblegum, you know!)