Monday, September 1, 2008
Feeling...kinda old
Yesterday we had a BBQ for the Junction boys. My sister, Ruben, my nephews & their two friends, staff, Gerald and I. Great fun had by all. Having just been reunited with our family photos, (remember the storage thing?), I had set out a few favorite family pictures around the house. A couple of the boys see a picture of my grandmother and ask "is that you Brenda?" Geez, I hope she was 47 when that picture was taken. But here's the one that really got me; some of the boys wanted to see pictures of Gerald and me when we were dating. I bring out a box of pictures, it was the 70's, one of the boys said "Wow, I've seen these kind of pictures in the text books, never thought I would meet anyone who actually used to look that way". The "text books"? Ugh!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Last First Day of School
So, today is the first day of school and it just hit me, this will be my nephew Ryan's last first day of high school. Where does the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday they moved here and he was starting his freshman year? We look forward to watching him play his last year of football at Smithson Valley...GO RANGERS!
The Junction Boys along with the other MeadowLand kids start their first day at our new charter school. Most of the kids have mixed feelings about attending our new school as many of them wanted to stay in the Boerne schools. It will be interesting to see how it went today. I look forward to my yearly tradition of surprising the Junction Boys with something on the first day of school. Today I will have an ice cream party waiting for them when they get home. Yum!
Gerald dreads this day as the school traffic will back in full force. He has to leave a 1/2 hour early just so he can beat the traffic.
As for me, I am going to get my hair done and eat ice cream!
The Junction Boys along with the other MeadowLand kids start their first day at our new charter school. Most of the kids have mixed feelings about attending our new school as many of them wanted to stay in the Boerne schools. It will be interesting to see how it went today. I look forward to my yearly tradition of surprising the Junction Boys with something on the first day of school. Today I will have an ice cream party waiting for them when they get home. Yum!
Gerald dreads this day as the school traffic will back in full force. He has to leave a 1/2 hour early just so he can beat the traffic.
As for me, I am going to get my hair done and eat ice cream!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
30 Years Ago Today
Gerald and Brenda were married in Owensboro, KY on Aug. 9, 1978. It seems like just yesterday! Over the years, we have been many places, made many wonderful friends, and have experienced so much. We look forward to many more years and to what God has in store for us! We are blessed to have each other and thank God for the gift of all of you in our lives!
Here is a poem that pretty much sums it up for us:
Here is a poem that pretty much sums it up for us:
The Rocking Chairs
Two rocking chairs on the porch, side by side,
One is the husband. One is his wife.
Thirty years they have shared and have found...
Many blessings that God has bestowed unto them
And has guided them all through the years;
How to love and endure hardships –
Together, how to conquer their fears.
Troubles have visited them
But, their love prevailed above all,
Showing no signs of weakness;
Refusing to hear Satan’s call.
They have stood close beside one another,
Not once ever mentioning divorce.
Vows they had taken,
No room has been left for recourse.
And, as they sit on their porch reminiscing,
The twinkle still shines in their eyes.
Though the years, now, show on their faces;
Their devotion can not be denied.
Adapted from a poem by: V. Lang
Two rocking chairs on the porch, side by side,
One is the husband. One is his wife.
Thirty years they have shared and have found...
Many blessings that God has bestowed unto them
And has guided them all through the years;
How to love and endure hardships –
Together, how to conquer their fears.
Troubles have visited them
But, their love prevailed above all,
Showing no signs of weakness;
Refusing to hear Satan’s call.
They have stood close beside one another,
Not once ever mentioning divorce.
Vows they had taken,
No room has been left for recourse.
And, as they sit on their porch reminiscing,
The twinkle still shines in their eyes.
Though the years, now, show on their faces;
Their devotion can not be denied.
Adapted from a poem by: V. Lang
Friday, August 8, 2008
Mini Aprons
OK, so I signed up for this "Mini Apron" swap. It sounded interesting because lately I have been in the sewing mode and have been sewing up a batch of vintage style aprons--regular sized (hmmm Christmas just around the corner, what to do with these?). Apparently these mini apron swaps are popular. Here is how it works; if 20 people sign up then you would make 20 plus 1 for yourself. There is a theme and a deadline, you mail your finished aprons to the "mini apron coordinator", she divides them out and mails them out to everyone. You wind up with 20 different mini aprons plus the one you made. The fun part is you receive aprons from all over the United States. You may be asking yourself; "what does one do with mini aprons?" well, some ladies tie the apron strings together to make little valances to hang in their windows or walls, some have an apron tree in their kitchen that they decorate, etc. I have no clue what I am going to do with my mini aprons, but I'm sure I'll think of something. "Birthdays" is the theme for the apron swap I signed up for. So today I'm off to the fabric store to find "birthday print" fabric. I will post a picture when I finish the little lovelies and when I receive the others. Oh by the way, they have to measure approx. 3" x 5".
Heads up, Gerald asked me yesterday how to sign on to our blog. Stay tuned, I think he may surprise us all with some postin'. :O)
Heads up, Gerald asked me yesterday how to sign on to our blog. Stay tuned, I think he may surprise us all with some postin'. :O)
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This is a test...
I am playing around with the backgrounds and artsy fartsy stuff. It's going to change a few times until I get the look I want. It could take days, weeks even months. Please bear with me.
Slacking off...
It has been brought to my attention that I "haven't blogged since July 28th, what's up with that?" Well, let see, first I was sick (I'm sure it was just allergies), then I had to work, then we were gone most of the weekend. Saturday and Sunday we left our hill. Yes, Gerald got off his hill, on a weekend, two days in a row. We went to Wimberly Market Days on Saturday and Sunday we went up to Gruene with some friends and ate at The Gristmill. We had a nice relaxing weekend, I am so proud of Gerald for taking a break! Well truth be known, his tractor is non-operational right now, and it has been too dang hot to be working outside. (It's ok to be outside walking at Market Days though, that's different) yeah right...
I have been asked if I will be posting recipes and decorating tips. I hadn't thought of doing so but maybe once in a while I will post a recipe or tip. Tonight for dessert I am fixing Peach Dumplings with homemade vanilla ice cream. So here is the recipe for the dumplings...this one's for you "toots" (she knows who she is)...don't freak out on the Mountain Dew thing, I know it's a little weird, but trust me it turns out really yummy!
Peach or Apple Dumplings
2 cans Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
4 peaches or apples, (if using peaches peel, apples it is optional I leave on) sliced in fourths (16 pieces)
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 (12oz) Mountain Dew (make sure it is Mountain Dew NOT generic)
1 cup pecans
Preheat oven to 350 lightly grease a 13x9 baking pan.
Unroll cresent rolls and place one slice of peach or apple and seal. I place the slice at the wide end, roll up as you would to make a roll bring up ends and seal. Line the dumplings in the pan. In a medium sauce pan, heat butter, sugar and cinnamon together until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved; remove from heat and add Mountain Dew and vanilla. Pour over dumplings and then sprinklie with pecans. Bake uncovered approx. 35 to 40 minutes. Best served warm with vanilla ice cream. :O)
I have been asked if I will be posting recipes and decorating tips. I hadn't thought of doing so but maybe once in a while I will post a recipe or tip. Tonight for dessert I am fixing Peach Dumplings with homemade vanilla ice cream. So here is the recipe for the dumplings...this one's for you "toots" (she knows who she is)...don't freak out on the Mountain Dew thing, I know it's a little weird, but trust me it turns out really yummy!
Peach or Apple Dumplings
2 cans Pillsbury Crescent Rolls
4 peaches or apples, (if using peaches peel, apples it is optional I leave on) sliced in fourths (16 pieces)
1 cup butter
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 (12oz) Mountain Dew (make sure it is Mountain Dew NOT generic)
1 cup pecans
Preheat oven to 350 lightly grease a 13x9 baking pan.
Unroll cresent rolls and place one slice of peach or apple and seal. I place the slice at the wide end, roll up as you would to make a roll bring up ends and seal. Line the dumplings in the pan. In a medium sauce pan, heat butter, sugar and cinnamon together until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved; remove from heat and add Mountain Dew and vanilla. Pour over dumplings and then sprinklie with pecans. Bake uncovered approx. 35 to 40 minutes. Best served warm with vanilla ice cream. :O)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Run on Sentences
Well only three days into this blogging thing and after countless edits I now know what my number one writing problem is, I'm sure there are others but I don't know what they are, anyways, my number one problem is run on sentences, always has been always will be, I seem to remember a certain English teacher way back when telling me this was my biggest problem, not once but several times (Mrs. Norton), so, I am not going to stress anymore about grammar, punctuation etc., it is what it is, you all will get the jest of what I am saying, who made up this English stuff anyways, I hated English, go figure, I did like creating stories and reading them to the class, I got good grades on creativity but bad grades on the rest, I am a good reader and speeeler too, just not good with nouns verbs adverbs adjectives conjuctionspudjuctions where to put the commas blah blah blah so I'm dubbing myself "Queen of the run on sentence", see what I mean, please don't suggest I take an English class, tried it a few years ago, boring, do not do well in class setting...Mrs. Norton would be proud.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Okay, break time! I had to take a break from these boxes! A couple of weekends ago we finally made the decision to get our "stuff" out of storage. I mean come on it's only been 5 years! So all along Gerald has said; "I'll bet half of the "stuff" is gonna be giveaway or throwaway." I kept saying; "oh no it isn't because I packed it all up myself!" Now folks, would I pack up "stuff" that I was going to give or throw away? Of course not. Well I hate to say it...are you ready...hold it comes...oh it's painful...but, yes he was right. Yes folks, you heard me say it. HE WAS RIGHT! Every time I open a box out of my mouth comes "I can't believe I saved this stuff". So needless to say, there will be a lot of "stuff" being carted off to the donation center. Anyone want some "stuff"?...
On the bright side, we are happy to be re-united with all of our precious family photos. We have had a great time looking through them and reminiscing. Seeing pictures of all the nieces and nephews through
the years has been a joy. Speaking of nieces and nephews, we are going to be "Great" Auntie Brenda and "Great" Uncle Gerald. Our niece Larissa and her husband Clint just found out they are expecting a girl. She is due to arrive in December, her name is Maylee Gail Simpson and we can't wait to meet her! Hey Larissa and Clint, want some "stuff"? I have a doll collection, would look mighty nice in a baby girls room...
On the bright side, we are happy to be re-united with all of our precious family photos. We have had a great time looking through them and reminiscing. Seeing pictures of all the nieces and nephews through

Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Blogging Plunge
Howdy folks, well today I finally took the plunge and I am trying my hand at this blogging thing. Please bear with me as I get the hang of it.
It was quiet today at The Rockin' G & B. We went into town to check out the new lighting place and wound up buying much needed lights and sconces for the parlor. The lights will take two weeks to get here so I guess we will just have to be patient. We've been without lights in the parlor this long, two more weeks isn't going to make that much of a difference. Next, we have to pick lighting for the upstairs, pick out kitchen cabinets, countertops, upstairs vanities...whew! Hey, but we're almost done!
Gerald started yet another project, as if he doesn't have enough already. He is clearing out the cedars from behind the western town. He has a plan and is on a landscaping mission! Have
tractor will demolish! Make way for pizza oven!
Lately I've been reading up on how to raise chickens. I figure if Gerald can plan on getting his miniature donkeys then I should get some chickens. But not until we get some of these projects knocked out. Well that's enough cluckin'. I hear the lawn mower, I guess I should get out there and help.
It was quiet today at The Rockin' G & B. We went into town to check out the new lighting place and wound up buying much needed lights and sconces for the parlor. The lights will take two weeks to get here so I guess we will just have to be patient. We've been without lights in the parlor this long, two more weeks isn't going to make that much of a difference. Next, we have to pick lighting for the upstairs, pick out kitchen cabinets, countertops, upstairs vanities...whew! Hey, but we're almost done!
Gerald started yet another project, as if he doesn't have enough already. He is clearing out the cedars from behind the western town. He has a plan and is on a landscaping mission! Have

Lately I've been reading up on how to raise chickens. I figure if Gerald can plan on getting his miniature donkeys then I should get some chickens. But not until we get some of these projects knocked out. Well that's enough cluckin'. I hear the lawn mower, I guess I should get out there and help.
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